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Day 8’s challenge at Advent of Code was thankfully not as taxing as day 7. Here’s my video discussing how I solved it in C# and F#

My C# solution basically involved me doing the escaping and unescaping manually. As I mention in the video, it turned out to be a good thing, as the C# compiler’s rules for unescaping don’t match the challenge’s anyway.

    .Select(s => new 
        Escaped = s, Unescaped =
            s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2)
                .Replace("\\\"", "\"")
                .Replace("\\\\", "?"),
            @"\\x[0-9a-f]{2}", "?")
.Sum(s => s.Escaped.Length - s.Unescaped.Length)
.Dump("a"); // 1333

    .Select(s => new
        Original = s,
        Escaped = "\"" +
        s.Replace("\\", "\\\\")
         .Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""
.Sum(s => s.Escaped.Length - s.Original.Length)
.Dump("b"); // 2046

For my F# version, I tried to clean the code up a little with some predefined constants as well as making one function that could solve both parts of the problem:

let q,b,bq,bb = "\"","\\","\\\"","\\\\"

let unescape (s:string)  = 
    Regex.Replace(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2)
                     .Replace(bq, q)
                     .Replace(bb, "?"),
                     @"\\x[0-9a-f]{2}", "?")
let escape (s:string) = q + s.Replace(b, bb).Replace(q, bq) + q                    

let input = "day8.txt" |> File.ReadAllLines

let sumDiffLengths strings (f:string->string*string) =
    |> f
    |> Seq.sumBy (fun (a,b) -> a.Length - b.Length)

sumDiffLengths input (fun s -> (s, unescape s))
    |> printfn "a: %d" // 1333
sumDiffLengths input (fun s -> (escape s, s))
    |> printfn "b: %d" // 2046
Want to learn more about LINQ? Be sure to check out my Pluralsight course LINQ Best Practices.


Comment by Sehnsucht

Interestingly for this one I didn't use regex but rather converted the string in char list and used pattern matching (as usual) with it

let common mapping =
System.IO.File.ReadAllLines "day08.txt"
|> Seq.sumBy (mapping >> (<||) (-))

let part1 () =
let memoryLength =
let rec aux acc = function
'\\' :: ('\\' | '"') :: xs
| '\\' :: 'x' :: _ :: _ :: xs -> aux (acc + 1) xs
| '"' :: xs -> aux acc xs
| _ :: xs -> aux (acc + 1) xs
| [] -> acc
Seq.toList >> aux 0

common (fun str -> String.length str, memoryLength str)

let part2 () = common (fun str -> 2 + Seq.sumBy (function '\\' | '"' -> 2 | _ -> 1) str, String.length str)/code>

Comment by Mark Heath

looks clever, although making my head hurt a bit trying to understand how it works :)

Mark Heath