Yahtzee Kata in IronPython
July 2. 2011 Posted in:
I did another simple kata in IronPython recently, to refresh my memory since I haven’t done much with Python recently. I used my AutoTest for IronPython utility again, and again found myself wanting to invent an equivalent of NUnit’s [TestCase]
attribute for Python. The kata is to implement the Yahtzee scoring rules, although the specific instructions I followed describe a different scoring scheme than the most familiar one (seems to be a Scandinavian version).
import unittest
def Count(dice, number):
return len([y for y in dice if y == number])
def HighestRepeated(dice, minRepeats):
unique = set(dice)
repeats = [x for x in unique if Count(dice, x) >= minRepeats]
return max(repeats) if repeats else 0
def OfAKind(dice, n):
return HighestRepeated(dice,n) * n
def SumOfSingle(dice, selected):
return sum([x for x in dice if x == selected])
def Chance(dice):
return sum(dice)
def Pair(dice):
return OfAKind(dice, 2)
def ThreeOfAKind(dice):
return OfAKind(dice, 3)
def FourOfAKind(dice):
return OfAKind(dice, 4)
def SmallStraight(dice):
return 15 if tuple(sorted(dice)) == (1,2,3,4,5) else 0
def LargeStraight(dice):
return 20 if tuple(sorted(dice)) == (2,3,4,5,6) else 0
def Ones(dice):
return SumOfSingle(dice,1)
def Twos(dice):
return SumOfSingle(dice,2)
def Threes(dice):
return SumOfSingle(dice,3)
def Fours(dice):
return SumOfSingle(dice,4)
def Fives(dice):
return SumOfSingle(dice,5)
def Sixes(dice):
return SumOfSingle(dice,6)
def Yahtzee(dice):
return 50 if len(dice) == 5 and len(set(dice)) == 1 else 0
class YahtzeeTest(unittest.TestCase):
testCases = (
((1,2,3,4,5), 1, Ones),
((1,2,3,4,5), 2, Twos),
((3,2,3,4,3), 9, Threes),
((3,2,3,4,3), 0, Sixes),
((1,2,3,4,5), 0, Pair), # no pairs found
((1,5,3,4,5), 10, Pair), # one pair found
((2,2,6,6,4), 12, Pair), # picks highest
((2,3,1,3,3), 6, Pair), # only counts two
((2,2,6,6,6), 18, ThreeOfAKind),
((2,2,4,6,6), 0, ThreeOfAKind), # no threes found
((5,5,5,5,5), 15, ThreeOfAKind), # only counts three
((6,2,6,6,6), 24, FourOfAKind),
((2,6,4,6,6), 0, FourOfAKind), # no fours found
((5,5,5,5,5), 20, FourOfAKind), # only counts four
((1,2,5,4,3), 15, SmallStraight),
((1,2,5,1,3), 0, SmallStraight),
((6,2,5,4,3), 20, LargeStraight),
((1,2,5,1,3), 0, LargeStraight),
((5,5,5,5,5), 50, Yahtzee),
((1,5,5,5,5), 0, Yahtzee),
((1,2,3,4,5), 15, Chance),
def testRunAll(self):
for (dice, expected, strategy) in self.testCases:
score = strategy(dice)
self.assertEquals(expected, score, "got {0} expected {1}, testing with {2} on {3}".format(score, expected, strategy.__name__, dice))
print 'ran {0} test cases'.format(len(self.testCases))
if __name__ == '__main__':