Posts about Azure
2025 (4)
- Using Tools (Safely) with LLMs
- Tracking Token Usage with Microsoft.Extensions.AI
- Passing images to LLMs in C# with Microsoft.Extensions.AI
- Calling Azure OpenAI models from C# with Microsoft.Extensions.AI
2024 (3)
- Audio Processing Meets AI
- Announcing: Azure Functions Deep Dive
- Configure Azure Functions to use Identity Based Connections
2023 (11)
- Creating Zip Files in Azure Blob Storage
- Cleaning up dangling DNS entries for an Azure DNS Zone
- Using ETags and Patching Rows in Azure Table Storage
- Running .NET Console Apps in Azure Container Instances
- Uploading Large Blobs in Parallel with the Azure SDK
- Uploading Large Files with AzCopy
- Fetching Credentials with the Azure CLI
- Assigning Service Principals to Groups and Roles with the Azure CLI
- Accessing Service Bus message metadata in Azure Functions isolated model
- Migrating to Isolated Durable Functions
- Protect and call an ASP.NET Core minimal Web API with Azure AD
2022 (7)
- Copying Blob Tags and Metadata with the V12 Storage SDK
- Create downloadable blob links with Azure Functions and App Service authentication
- Update Your Azure Functions Table Storage Bindings
- Copying Blobs with the V12 Storage SDK
- Uploading Blobs with the V12 Storage SDK
- Downloading and Pushing NuGet packages in C#
- Automating PRs in Azure DevOps
2021 (13)
- Don't Keep Secrets in Code
- Is it time to start creating C# Azure Functions in isolated mode?
- How to Calculate Azure Blob Container Size
- The Serverless Sliding Scale
- Azure Durable Functions Dependency Injection
- Pluralsight Updates 2021 - Microservices are getting easier
- Running Durable Functions Locally with Azurite
- Deploying an Azure Function App with Bicep
- Bicep - Why do we need yet another way to deploy stuff in Azure?
- Generating Azure Blob Storage User Delegation SAS
- Archiving Blobs with the Storage SDK
- Automating Azure Access Restrictions with the Azure CLI
- Bulk upload files to Azure Blob Storage with the Azure CLI
2020 (18)
- AZ-204 Exam Preparation: Implement Azure Functions
- Azure Durable Entities: What are they good for?
- Simple Messaging Between Microservices with Rebus and Azure Storage Queues
- Faster Querying with Serverless Materialized Views
- Which Database should I use in my Azure Serverless App?
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 9 - Premium Features
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 8 - Commands and Events
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 7 - Topics and Subscriptions
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 6 - Message Receiving Options
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 5 - Message Sending Options
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 4 - Sending and Receiving Messages
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 3 - Introducing Azure Service Bus
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 2 - The Challenges of Messaging
- Messaging with Azure Service Bus - Part 1 - Why Use Messaging?
- Durable Functions Upgrade Strategies
- Migrating to Durable Functions
- Using Azure Functions Durable HTTP APIs
- Configure Full (Strict) Cloudflare SSL for an Azure App Service Website
2019 (26)
- Get Azure Consumption Metrics with the Azure CLI
- Containers versus Serverless for Microservices
- Run Azure Functions in Kubernetes with KEDA
- Automating Application Insights extension
- Azure Blob Storage SAS Guidelines
- Managing Azure Functions Keys (using the new ARM APIs!)
- Copying Azure Blobs Between Containers the Quick Way
- Using Entity Framework Core on Azure Functions with Dependency Injection
- Securing Back-end App Service Web Apps with VNets and Service Endpoints
- Automating Azure Container Instances with PowerShell Azure Functions
- Running a Minecraft Server in Azure Container Instances
- Azure Functions Fundamentals Updated for Version 2
- Containerized Activities in Durable Workflows - Part 5
- Containerized Activities in Durable Workflows - Part 4
- Containerized Activities in Durable Workflows - Part 3
- Containerized Activities in Durable Workflows - Part 2
- Containerized Activities in Durable Workflows - Part 1
- Avoiding Azure Functions Cold Starts
- Reduced Pricing for Azure Container Instances
- Awaiting Multiple External Events with Durable Functions
- Configuring Per-App Scaling on Azure App Service
- Should I containerize my cloud app?
- Deploy Web and Function Apps with Run from Package
- Accessing Key Vault from Azure Functions using Managed Identities
- Deploying Azure Functions with the Azure CLI
- Migrating to the New Azure Service Bus SDK
2018 (27)
- Managing Durable Functions Orchestration History
- This resource group will self destruct in 30 minutes
- Building and Running Container Images with ACR, ACI and the Azure CLI
- Getting Started with Containers on Service Fabric
- Deploying and Managing Containers on Azure
- Deploying WordPress on Azure Web App for Containers
- Convert an Azure Managed Disk to Standard SSD with Azure CLI
- Create Serverless Functions
- Run Azure Functions in a Docker Container
- Creating simple CRUD REST-style APIs with Azure Functions C# Bindings
- Using Azure Functions v2 proxies to avoid CORS issues
- Waiting for External Events with Timeouts in Durable Functions
- New Features in Durable Functions
- Getting Started with Azure Container Instances
- Integrating ACI with other Azure services
- 10 Reasons to Use Durable Functions
- Why you should use Durable Functions sub-orchestrations
- Error Handling with Durable Functions
- Serverless CI Builds with Cake and Azure Container Instances
- Serverless Media Processing with Azure Container Instances
- Managing Azure Functions Keys
- Overwhelmed by Choice with Azure Functions?
- Deploying WordPress with ACI Container Groups
- Serverless Containers with Azure Container Instances
- Managing WebJobs with the Kudu API
- The Case for Durable Workflows
- Creating Durable Functions in the Azure Portal
2017 (33)
- 2017 in review
- Four Ways to Deploy an ASP.NET Core 2 Website in Azure
- Deploying Azure WebApps with Kudu Zip API
- Azure CLI - Getting Started
- Creating a Service Principal with the Azure CLI
- Deploying ARM Templates with the Azure CLI
- Backup and Restore a SQL Database with the Azure CLI
- Connect a Web App to a SQL Database with the Azure CLI
- Managing Storage Queues with the Azure CLI
- Manage Blob Storage with the Azure CLI
- Create and Configure a VM with the Azure CLI
- Automate away your Azure Portal usage with the Azure CLI
- Six ways to manage your Azure resources
- Local Debugging with the Azure Functions CLI
- Using Queries with the Azure CLI
- Introducing the Azure CLI
- Building Serverless Applications in Azure
- Triggering an App Service Sync from External Git Repositories
- Securing an Azure Functions App with EasyAuth and AD B2C
- Which Azure Database Should I Use for My Serverless Application?
- Uploading Static Web Content to Azure Blob Storage with PowerShell and AzCopy
- Priority Queues with Azure Service Bus
- Azure Tables–What are They Good For?
- Hosting Static Websites in Azure Blob Storage with Azure Functions Proxies
- Enabling CORS for Testing Azure Functions Locally
- Rapid API Development with Azure Functions
- Deploying Azure Functions with Kudu and PowerShell
- Deploying WordPress on Azure with ARM and Docker Compose
- Deploying Azure Websites with OneDrive
- Uploading to Azure Blob Storage with Shared Access Signatures
- Azure Functions Fundamentals
- Remote Debugging Azure Functions
- Sending Emails with SendGrid and Azure Functions
2016 (13)
- Using Blobs in Azure Functions with F#
- Three Ways to View Azure Functions Error Logs
- Speed up Azure Service Bus Messaging with Batching
- Sending Randomly Scheduled Tweets with Azure Functions
- Handling Payment Webhooks with Azure Functions
- Sharing State Between Azure Functions
- Rapid Prototyping Web APIs with Azure Functions
- Getting Filtered Azure Service Bus Queue Descriptions
- Using Azure Service Bus Filtered Subscriptions
- Thoughts on Serverless
- Deferring Processing of Azure Service Bus Messages
- Using Filtered Subscriptions with Azure Service Bus Topics
- Controlling Access to Azure Service Bus Queues with Shared Access Signatures
2015 (3)
- How to Access an Blob Container Using Shared Access Signatures
- How to Get Azure Blob Container Size
- Using Azure Application Diagnostics with ASP.NET Web Pages